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eurorack modules

CV Tape Station


CV TAPE STATION is a 28HP eurorack module created for cassette tape lovers and modular artist who are looking for lofi electro magnetic sound & experiments with CV control in their eurorack modular.

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CV TAPE STATION is a 28HP eurorack module created for cassette tape lovers and modular artist who are looking for lofi electro magnetic sound with CV control in their eurorack modular.


PANEL : small changes on the panel :
– cv disto instead of CV tuner
– mic jack IN instead of panel mic.
– switch normal/manual speed
– GATE IN jack

We hope you’ll like this updates as us !

– Potentiometer for manual tape SPEED management

(from very low to high speed)

CV IN for tape speed

GATE IN (start/stop motor)

– Switch normal/manual speed


– mono AUDIO OUT

– Mono RECORD IN : 3 options
:: audio in jack
:: electret mono mic record IN 
external original dictaphone electret mic with capsule holder (1,5 meters cable)
:: record radio directly on cassette
>> you can use CV IN tape speed + GATE  during recording

– Potentiometer for audio record level (can be use as mixer for 1x external source)

AM/FM switch

antenna on panel for increase radio signal quality
–  feedback distorsion potentiometer (with two modes : hard/soft on the back)
> can auto-oscillate in hard mode
–  vactrol CV IN for feedback distortion 

– EURORACK 28HP  +- 150/250 ma @+12V / 0ma @ -12V / 0ma @5V
(can reach 350 ma peaks with hard and fast modulations)
– Polarity protection on power
– there is a trimmer on the back to calibrate the range of the motor speed

– BLACK PANEL matte + matte varnished  with gold and white silkscreen 2mm


– playing manually with motor tape speed from high speed to very low speed (osc, noise, field recording sources, FX,…)

– create monophonic melody with looptape (CV IN + attenuverter + offset) / not 1V/oct calibration

– create ‘cassette beat’ (for example : record noise and change drastically the cv speed > Hi-HAT (tremolo/gate with CV IN and/or GATE IN)

– record LOFI TAPE LOOP (w/ cassette loop) with external dictaphone electret microphone or with REC IN jack then play with it, etc

– record the RADIO STATION DIRECTLY on the tape

– control motor speed with analog osc
– mix external source with recorded tape or radiocassette
– …

→ DELIVERY & notes

These modules are designed, handmade and assembled in Belgium – Europe.
PCB and Panel are professionally  made in factory.
It’s limited series (numbered) and these modules are made one by one so now it’s only possible to do small batch. You can join mailing list to be the first to receive pre-order announces.


– This is a walkman, so it’s not to compare with high fidelity tape studio player/recorder deck
– We didn’t designed the walkman, it’s a hack for eurorack.

cv tape station

cv tape station eurorack schema block

These are old models but the features are also on the new models. Video updAtes asap.
More video on Xavier Gazon’s instagram :

CV TAPE STATION - using a sequencer to control tape speed and create melodies

CV TAPE STATION - record loop tape cassette with the panel electret mic

beats with tapes